PT Journal AU Fuentes-Martin, J Reig, M Vicente, A TI Strong CP problem with low-energy emergent QCD: The 4321 case SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2019 BP 115028 EP 7pp VL 100 IS 11 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.100.115028 LA English AB We analyze the strong CP problem and the implications for axion physics in the context of U-1 vector leptoquark models, recently put forward as an elegant solution to the hints of lepton flavor universality violation in B-meson decays. It is shown that in minimal gauge models containing the U-1 as a gauge boson, the Peccei-Quinn solution of the strong CP problem requires the introduction of two axions. Characteristic predictions for the associated axions can be deduced from the model parameter space hinted by B-physics, allowing the new axion sector to account for the dark matter of the Universe. We also provide a specific ultraviolet completion of the axion sector that connects the Peccei-Quinn mechanism to the generation of neutrino masses. ER