PT Journal AU Boso, Aea Domingo-Pardo, C Perez-Vidal, RM TI Isospin dependence of electromagnetic transition strengths among an isobaric triplet SO Physics Letters B JI Phys. Lett. B PY 2019 BP 134835 EP 6pp VL 797 DI 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.134835 LA English AB Electric quadrupole matrix elements, M-p, for the J(pi) = 2(+) -> 0(+), Delta T = 0, T = 1 transitions across the A = 46 isobaric multiplet Cr-46-V-46-Ti-46 have been measured at GSI with the FRS-LYCCA-AGATA setup. This allows direct insight into the isospin purity of the states of interest by testing the linearity of M-p with respect to T-z. Pairs of nuclei in the T = 1 triplet were studied using identical reaction mechanisms in order to control systematic errors. The M-p values were obtained with two different methodologies: (i) a relativistic Coulomb excitation experiment was performed for Cr-46 and Ti-46; (ii) a "stretched target" technique was adopted here, for the first time, for lifetime measurements in V-46 and Ti-46. A constant value of M-p across the triplet has been observed. Shell-model calculations performed within the fp shell fail to reproduce this unexpected trend, pointing towards the need of a wider valence space. This result is confirmed by the good agreement with experimental data achieved with an interaction which allows excitations from the underlying sd shell. A test of the linearity rule for all published data on complete T = 1 isospin triplets is presented. ER