PT Journal AU Krause, C Pich, A Rosell, I Santos, J Sanz-Cillero, JJ TI Colorful imprints of heavy states in the electroweak effective theory SO Journal of High Energy Physics JI J. High Energy Phys. PY 2019 BP 092 EP 51pp VL 05 IS 5 DI 10.1007/JHEP05(2019)092 LA English DE Beyond Standard Model; Chiral Lagrangians; Effective Field Theories; Higgs Physics AB We analyze heavy states from generic ultraviolet completions of the Standard Model in a model-independent way and investigate their implications on the low-energy couplings of the electroweak effective theory. We build a general effective Lagrangian, implementing the electroweak symmetry breaking SU(2)(L) circle times SU(2)(R) SU(2)(L+R) with a non-linear Nambu-Goldstone realization, which couples the known particles to the heavy states. We generalize the formalism developed in previous works [1, 2] to include colored resonances, both of bosonic and fermionic type. We study bosonic heavy states with J(P) = 0(+/-) and J(P) = 1(+/-), in singlet or triplet SU(2)(L+R) representations and in singlet or octet representations of SU(3)(C) , and fermionic resonances with that are electroweak doublets and QCD triplets or singlets. Integrating out the heavy scales, we determine the complete pattern of low-energy couplings at the lowest non-trivial order. Some specific types of (strongly- and weakly-coupled) ultraviolet completions are discussed to illustrate the generality of our approach and to make contact with current experimental searches. ER