PT Journal AU Barenboim, G Ternes, CA Tortola, M TI New physics vs new paradigms: distinguishing CPT violation from NSI SO European Physical Journal C JI Eur. Phys. J. C PY 2019 BP 390 EP 7pp VL 79 IS 5 DI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-6900-7 LA English AB Our way of describing Nature is based on local relativistic quantum field theories, and then CPT symmetry, a natural consequence of Lorentz invariance, locality and hermiticity of the Hamiltonian, is one of the few if not the only prediction that all of them share. Therefore, testing CPT invariance does not test a particular model but the whole paradigm. Current and future long baseline experiments will assess the status of CPT in the neutrino sector at an unprecedented level and thus its distinction from similar experimental signatures arising from non-standard interactions is imperative. Whether the whole paradigm is at stake or just the standard model of neutrinos crucially depends on that. ER