PT Journal AU Botella, FJ Cornet-Gomez, F Nebot, M TI Flavor conservation in two-Higgs-doublet models SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2018 BP 035046 EP 25pp VL 98 IS 3 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.035046 LA English AB In extensions of the Standard Model with two Higgs doublets, flavor-changing Yukawa couplings of the neutral scalars may be present at tree level. In this work, we consider the most general scenario in which those flavor-changing couplings are absent. We revise the conditions that the Yukawa coupling matrices must obey for such general flavour conservation (gFC) and study the one-loop renormalization group evolution of such conditions in both the quark and lepton sectors. We show that gFC in the leptonic sector is one-loop stable under the renormalization group evolution, and in the quark sector, we present some new Cabibbo-like solution also one-loop stable under renormalization group evolution. At a phenomenological level, we obtain the regions for the different gFC parameters that are allowed by the existing experimental constraints related to the 125 GeV Higgs. ER