PT Journal AU Fonseca, RM Hirsch, M Srivastava, R TI Delta L=3 processes: Proton decay and the LHC SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2018 BP 075026 EP 7pp VL 97 IS 7 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.97.075026 LA English AB We discuss lepton number violation in three units. From an effective field theory point of view, Delta L = 3 processes can only arise from dimension 9 or higher operators. These operators also violate baryon number, hence many of them will induce proton decay. Given the high dimensionality of these operators, in order to have a proton half-life in the observable range, the new physics associated to Delta L = 3 processes should be at a scale as low as 1 TeV. This opens up the possibility of searching for such processes not only in proton decay experiments but also at the LHC. In this work we analyze the relevant d = 9, 11, 13 operators which violate lepton number in three units. We then construct one simple concrete model with interesting low- and high-energy phenomenology. ER