PT Journal AU Ceccopieri, FA Rinaldi, M Scopetta, S TI Parton correlations in same-sign W pair production via double parton scattering at the LHC SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2017 BP 114030 EP 6pp VL 95 IS 11 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.114030 LA English AB Same-sign W boson pair production is a promising channel to look for signatures of double parton interactions at the LHC. The corresponding cross section has been calculated by using double parton distribution functions, encoding two parton correlations, evaluated in a light-front quark model. The obtained result is in line with previous estimates which make use of an external parameter, the so-called effective cross section, not necessary in our approach. The possibility to observe for the first time two-parton correlations, in the next LHC runs, has been established. ER