PT Journal AU KM3NeT Collaboration (Adrian-Martinez, Sea Barrios-Marti, J Calvo, D Hernandez-Rey, JJ Illuminati, G Lotze, M Olcina, I Real, D Sanchez Garcia, A Tönnis, C Zornoza, JD Zuñiga, J TI Intrinsic limits on resolutions in muon- and electron-neutrino charged-current events in the KM3NeT/ORCA detector SO Journal of High Energy Physics JI J. High Energy Phys. PY 2017 BP 008 EP 39pp VL 05 IS 5 DI 10.1007/JHEP05(2017)008 LA English DE Neutrino Detectors and Telescopes (experiments) AB Studying atmospheric neutrino oscillations in the few-GeV range with a multimegaton detector promises to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy. This is the main science goal pursued by the future KM3NeT/ORCA water Cherenkov detector in the Mediterranean Sea. In this paper, the processes that limit the obtainable resolution in both energy and direction in charged-current neutrino events in the ORCA detector are investigated. These processes include the composition of the hadronic fragmentation products, the subsequent particle propagation and the photon-sampling fraction of the detector. GEANT simulations of neutrino interactions in seawater produced by GENIE are used to study the effects in the 1-20 GeV range. It is found that fluctuations in the hadronic cascade in conjunction with the variation of the inelasticity y are most detrimental to the resolutions. The effect of limited photon sampling in the detector is of significantly less importance. These results will therefore also be applicable to similar detectors/media, such as those in ice. ER