PT Journal AU Rinaldi, M Ceccopieri, FA TI Relativistic effects in model calculations of double parton distribution functions SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2017 BP 034040 EP 9pp VL 95 IS 3 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.034040 LA English AB In this paper we consider double-parton distribution functions (dPDFs), which are the main nonperturbative ingredients appearing in the double-parton scattering cross section formula in hadronic collisions. By using recent calculation of dPDFs by means of constituent quark models within the so-called light-front approach, we investigate the role of relativistic effects on dPDFs. We find, in particular, that the so-called Melosh operators, which allow us to properly convert the LF spin into the canonical one and incorporate a proper treatment of boosts, produce sizeable effects on dPDFs. We discuss specific partonic correlations induced by these operators in the transverse plane which are relevant to the proton structure, and we study under which conditions these results are stable against variations in the choice of the proton wave function. ER