PT Journal AU Ayala, C Mikhailov, SV TI How to perform a QCD analysis of DIS in analytic perturbation theory SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2015 BP 014028 EP 11pp VL 92 IS 1 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.014028 LA English AB We apply (fractional) analytic perturbation theory (FAPT) to the QCD analysis of the nonsinglet nucleon structure function F-2(x, Q(2)) in deep inelastic scattering up to the next leading order and compare the results with ones obtained within the standard perturbation QCD. Based on a popular parametrization of the corresponding parton distribution we perform the analysis within the Jacobi polynomial formalism and under the control of the numerical inverse Mellin transform. To reveal the main features of the FAPT two-loop approach, we consider a wide range of momentum transfer from high Q(2) similar to 100 GeV2 to low Q(2) similar to 0.3 GeV2 where the approach still works. ER