PT Journal AU Gonzalez, P TI Charmonium description from a generalized screened potential model SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2015 BP 014017 EP 11pp VL 92 IS 1 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.014017 LA English AB A generalized screened potential model (GSPM), recently developed to study the bottomonium spectrum, is applied to the calculation of charmonium masses and electromagnetic widths. The presence in the GSPM of more quark-antiquark bound states than in conventional nonscreened potential models, allows for the assignment of GSPM states to cataloged nonconventional J(++) charmonium resonances as well as for the prediction of new (noncataloged) J(++) states. The results obtained seem to indicate that a reasonable overall description of J(++) charmonium resonances is feasible. ER