PT Journal AU Anderson, PR Fabbri, A Balbinot, R TI Low frequency gray-body factors and infrared divergences: Rigorous results SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2015 BP 064061 EP 18pp VL 91 IS 6 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.064061 LA English AB Formal solutions to the mode equations for both spherically symmetric black holes and Bose-Einstein condensate acoustic black holes are obtained by writing the spatial part of the mode equation as a linear Volterra integral equation of the second kind. The solutions work for a massless minimally coupled scalar field in the s-wave or zero angular momentum sector for a spherically symmetric black hole and in the longitudinal sector of a one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate acoustic black hole. These solutions are used to obtain in a rigorous way analytic expressions for the scattering coefficients and gray-body factors in the zero frequency limit. They are also used to study the infrared behaviors of the symmetric two-point function and two functions derived from it: the point-split stress-energy tensor for the massless minimally coupled scalar field in Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime and the density-density correlation function for a Bose-Einstein condensate acoustic black hole. ER