PT Journal AU Deppisch, FF Desai, N Valle, JWF TI Is charged lepton flavor violation a high energy phenomenon? SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2014 BP 051302 EP 5pp VL 89 IS 5 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.051302 LA English AB Searches for rare processes such as μ-> e gamma put stringent limits on lepton flavor violation expected in many beyond-the-Standard-Model physics scenarios. This usually precludes the observation of flavor violation at high energy colliders such as the LHC. We here discuss a scenario where right-handed neutrinos are produced via a Z' portal but which can only decay via small flavor violating couplings. Consequently, the process rate is unsuppressed by the small couplings and can be visible despite unobservably small μ-> e gamma rates. ER