PT Journal AU Moradi, FGea Huyuk, T TI Spectroscopy of the neutron-deficient N=50 nucleus Rh-95 SO Physical Review C JI Phys. Rev. C PY 2014 BP 044310 EP 8pp VL 89 IS 4 DI 10.1103/PhysRevC.89.044310 LA English AB The neutron-deficient semimagic (neutron number N = 50) Rh-95 nucleus has been produced at high spins using the projectile-target system Ca-40 + Ni-58 at 125 MeV beam energy. The gamma-decays of levels populated by the 3p fusion evaporation reaction channel were studied using gamma-gamma coincidences, and 20 new gamma-ray transitions involving 15 new positive-and negative-parity states were observed. Spin and parity for many of the excited states were firmly deduced for the first time using the combined directional angular correlation and direction-polarization techniques. The observed structures are discussed within the framework of large-scale shell model calculations. E1 transition strengths were deduced and used together with the results of the shell model calculations to study the contribution of different particle-hole configurations, in particular for analyzing contributions from core-excited configurations. ER