PT Journal AU Galli, P Goldstein, K Perz, J TI On anharmonic stabilisation equations for black holes SO Journal of High Energy Physics JI J. High Energy Phys. PY 2013 BP 036 EP 7pp VL 03 IS 3 DI 10.1007/JHEP03(2013)036 LA English DE Black Holes in String Theory; Supergravity Models AB We investigate the stabilisation equations for sufficiently general, yet regular, extremal (supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric) and non-extremal black holes in four-dimensional N = 2 supergravity using both the H-FGK approach and a generalisation of Denef's formalism. By an explicit calculation we demonstrate that the equations necessarily contain an anharmonic part, even in the static, spherically symmetric and asymptotically flat case. ER