PT Journal AU Gomez Dumm, D Noguera, S Scoccola, NN TI Form factors of radiative pion decays in nonlocal chiral quark models SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2012 BP 074020 EP 10pp VL 86 IS 7 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.074020 LA English AB We study the radiative pion decay pi(+) -> e(+) nu(e)gamma within nonlocal chiral quark models that include wave function renormalization. In this framework we analyze the momentum dependence of the vector form factor F-V(q(2)) and the slope of the axial-vector form factor F-A(q(2)) at threshold. Our results are compared with available experimental information and with the predictions given by the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. In addition we calculate the low energy constants l(5) and l(6), comparing our results with the values obtained in chiral perturbation theory. ER