PT Journal AU Benzoni, Gea Gadea, A Algora, A TI First measurement of beta decay half-lives in neutron-rich Tl and Bi isotopes SO Physics Letters B JI Phys. Lett. B PY 2012 BP 293 EP 297 VL 715 IS 4-5 DI 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.07.063 LA English AB Neutron-rich isotopes around lead, beyond N = 126, have been studied exploiting the fragmentation of an uranium primary beam at the FRS-RISING setup at GSI. For the first time beta-decay half-lives of Bi-219 and Tl-211,Tl-212,Tl-213 isotopes have been derived. The half-lives have been extracted using a numerical simulation developed for experiments in high-background conditions. Comparison with state of the art models used in r-process calculations is given, showing a systematic underestimation of the experimental values, at variance from close-lying nuclei. ER