PT Journal AU Llosa, G Barrio, J Lacasta, C Callier, S Raux, L de La Taille, C TI First tests in the application of silicon photomultiplier arrays to dose monitoring in hadron therapy SO Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A JI Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A PY 2011 BP S96-S99 VL 648 DI 10.1016/j.nima.2010.12.092 LA English DE Hadron therapy; Compton imaging; LaBr3; Continuous crystal; SiPM; MPPC; G-APD AB A detector head composed of a continuous LaBr3 crystal coupled to a silicon photomultiplier array has been mounted and tested, for its use in a Compton telescope for dose monitoring in hadron therapy. The LaBr3 crystal has 16 mm x 18 mm x 5 mm size, and it is surrounded with reflecting material in five faces. The SiPM array has 16 (4 x 4) elements of 3 mm x 3 mm size. The SPIROC1 ASIC has been employed as readout electronics. The detector shows a linear behavior up to 1275 keV. The energy resolution obtained at 511 keV is 7% FWHM, and it varies as one over the square root of the energy up to the energies tested. The variations among the detector channels are within 12%. A preliminary measurement of the timing resolution gives 7 ns FWHM. The spatial resolution obtained with the center of gravity method is 1.2 mm FWHM. The tests performed confirm the correct functioning of the detector. ER