@Article{Mandal_etal2020, author="Mandal, S. and Srivastava, R. and Valle, J. W. F.", title="Consistency of the dynamical high-scale type-I seesaw mechanism", journal="Physical Review D", year="2020", publisher="Amer Physical Soc", volume="101", number="11", pages="115030--15pp", abstract="We analyze the consistency of electroweak breaking within the simplest high-scale SU(3)(c) circle times SU(2)(L) circle times U(1)(Y) type-I seesaw mechanism. We derive the full two-loop renormalization group equations of the relevant parameters, including the quartic Higgs self-coupling of the Standard Model. For the simplest case of bare {\textquoteleft}{\textquoteleft}right-handed{\textquoteright}{\textquoteright} neutrino mass terms we find that, with large Yukawa couplings, the Higgs quartic self-coupling becomes negative much below the seesaw scale, so that the model may be inconsistent even as an effective theory. We show, however, that the {\textquoteleft}{\textquoteleft}dynamical{\textquoteright}{\textquoteright} type-I high-scale seesaw with spontaneous lepton number violation has better stability properties.", optnote="WOS:000541704500012", optnote="exported from refbase (https://references.ific.uv.es/refbase/show.php?record=4440), last updated on Tue, 07 Jul 2020 08:41:44 +0000", issn="1550-7998", doi="10.1103/PhysRevD.101.115030", opturl="https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.03631", opturl="https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.101.115030", language="English" }