Gonzalez, P. (2014). Generalized screened potential model. J. Phys. G, 41(9), 095001–12pp.
Abstract: A new non relativistic quark model to calculate the spectrum of heavy quark mesons is developed. The model is based on an interquark potential interaction that implicitly incorporates screening effects from meson-meson configurations. An analysis of the bottomonium spectrum shows the appearance of extra states as compared to conventional non screened potential models.
Xie, J. J., & Oset, E. (2014). (B)over-bar(0) and (B)over-bar(s)(0) decays into J/psi and f(0)(1370), f(0)(1710), f(2)(1270), f(2)'(1525), K-2*(1430). Phys. Rev. D, 90(9), 094006–7pp.
Abstract: We make predictions for the ratios of branching fractions of (B) over bar (0) and (B) over bar (0)(s) decays into J/psi and the scalar mesons f(0)(1370), f(0)(1710) or tensor mesons f(2)(1270), f(2)'(1525), K-2*(1430). The theoretical approach is based on results of chiral unitary theory where these resonances are shown to be generated from the vector meson-vector meson interaction. Eight independent ratios can be predicted, and comparison is made with the recent data on (B) over bar (0)(s) decay into J/psi f(2)'(1525) versus the (B) over bar (0)(s) decay into J/psi f(2)(1270).
Vijande, J., Valcarce, A., & Garcilazo, H. (2014). Heavy-baryon quark model picture from lattice QCD. Phys. Rev. D, 90(9), 094004–6pp.
Abstract: The ground state and excited spectra of baryons containing three identical heavy quarks, b or c, have been recently calculated in nonperturbative lattice QCD. The energy of positive and negative parity excitations has been determined with high precision. Lattice results constitute a unique opportunity to learn about the quark-confinement mechanism as well as elucidating our knowledge about the nature of the strong force. We analyze the nonperturbative lattice QCD results by means of heavy-quark static potentials derived using SU(3) lattice QCD. We make use of different numerical techniques for the three-body problem.
Forero, D. V., Tortola, M., & Valle, J. W. F. (2014). Neutrino oscillations refitted. Phys. Rev. D, 90(9), 093006–10pp.
Abstract: Here, we update our previous global fit of neutrino oscillations by including the recent results that have appeared since the Neutrino 2012 conference. These include the measurements of reactor antineutrino disappearance reported by Daya Bay and RENO, together with latest T2K and MINOS data including both disappearance and appearance channels. We also include the revised results from the third solar phase of Super-Kamiokande, SK-III, as well as new solar results from the fourth phase of Super-Kamiokande, SK-IV. We find that the preferred global determination of the atmospheric angle theta(23) is consistent with maximal mixing. We also determine the impact of the new data upon all the other neutrino oscillation parameters with an emphasis on the increasing sensitivity to the CP phase, thanks to the interplay between accelerator and reactor data. In the Appendix, we present the updated results obtained after the inclusion of new reactor data presented at the Neutrino 2014 conference. We discuss their impact on the global neutrino analysis.
Grodner, E. et al, Gadea, A., Algora, A., Agramunt, J., Domingo-Pardo, C., Molina, F., et al. (2014). Hindered Gamow-Teller Decay to the Odd-Odd N = Z Ga-62: Absence of Proton-Neutron T=0 Condensate in A=62. Phys. Rev. Lett., 113(9), 092501–5pp.
Abstract: Search for a new kind of superfluidity built on collective proton-neutron pairs with aligned spin is performed studying the Gamow-Teller decay of the T = 1, J(pi) = 0(+) ground state of Ge-62 into excited states of the odd-odd N = Z nucleus Ga-62. The experiment is performed at GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Shwerionenforshung with the Ge-62 ions selected by the fragment separator and implanted in a stack of Si-strip detectors, surrounded by the RISING Ge array. A half-life of T-1/2 = 2 82.9(14) ms is measured for the Ge-62 ground state. Six excited states of Ga-62, populated below 2.5 MeV through Gamow-Teller transitions, are identified. Individual Gamow-Teller transition strengths agree well with theoretical predictions of the interacting shell model and the quasiparticle random phase approximation. The absence of any sizable low-lying Gamow-Teller strength in the reported beta-decay experiment supports the hypothesis of a negligible role of coherent T = 0 proton-neutron correlations in Ga-62.
ATLAS Collaboration(Aad, G. et al), Cabrera Urban, S., Castillo Gimenez, V., Costa, M. J., Fassi, F., Ferrer, A., et al. (2014). Measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry parameter ab and the helicity amplitudes for the decay Lambda(0)(b) -> J/psi Lambda(0) with the ATLAS detector. Phys. Rev. D, 89(9), 092009–25pp.
Abstract: A measurement of the parity-violating decay asymmetry parameter, ab, and the helicity amplitudes for the decay.Lambda(0)(b) -> J/psi(mu(+) mu(-)) Lambda(0)(p pi(-)) is reported. The analysis is based on 1400 Lambda(0)(b)and (Lambda) over bar (0)(b) baryons selected in 4.6 fb(-1) of proton-proton collision data with a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. By combining the.0 b and. _ 0 b samples under the assumption of CP conservation, the value of ab is measured to be 0.30 +/- 0.16(stat) +/- 0.06(syst). This measurement provides a test of theoretical models based on perturbative QCD or heavy-quark effective theory.
LHCb Collaboration(Aaij, R. et al), Martinez-Vidal, F., Oyanguren, A., & Ruiz Valls, P. (2014). Measurement of resonant and CP components in (B)over-bar(s)(0) -> J/psi pi(+)pi(-) decays. Phys. Rev. D, 89(9), 092006–21pp.
Abstract: Structure of the decay B0s. J=.pp- is studied using data corresponding to 3 fb- 1 of integrated luminosity from pp collisions produced by the LHC and collected by the LHCb detector. Five interfering pp- states are required to describe the decay: F-0(980), F-0(1500), F-0(1790), F-2 (1270) and F-2(1525) An alternative model including these states and a nonresonant J=.pp- component also provides a good description of the data. Based on the different transversity components measured for the spin- 2 intermediate states, the final state is found to be compatible with being entirely CP odd. The CP- even part is found to be < 2.3% at a 95% confidence level. The f 0d500 state is not observed, allowing a limit to be set on the absolute value of the mixing angle with the f 0d980 of < 7.7 at a 90% confidence level, consistent with a tetraquark interpretation of the f(0)(980) substructure.
T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Escudero, L., Gomez-Cadenas, J. J., Izmaylov, A., Monfregola, L., et al. (2014). Measurement of the intrinsic electron neutrino component in the T2K neutrino beam with the ND280 detector. Phys. Rev. D, 89(9), 092003–18pp.
Abstract: The T2K experiment has reported the first observation of the appearance of electron neutrinos in a muon neutrino beam. The main and irreducible background to the appearance signal comes from the presence in the neutrino beam of a small intrinsic component of electron neutrinos originating from muon and kaon decays. In T2K, this component is expected to represent 1.2% of the total neutrino flux. A measurement of this component using the near detector (ND280), located 280 m from the target, is presented. The charged current interactions of electron neutrinos are selected by combining the particle identification capabilities of both the time projection chambers and electromagnetic calorimeters of ND280. The measured ratio between the observed electron neutrino beam component and the prediction is 1.01 +/- 0.10 providing a direct confirmation of the neutrino fluxes and neutrino cross section modeling used for T2K neutrino oscillation analyses. Electron neutrinos coming from muons and kaons decay are also separately measured, resulting in a ratio with respect to the prediction of 0.68 +/- 0.30 and 1.10 +/- 0.14, respectively.
BABAR Collaboration(Lees, J. P. et al), Martinez-Vidal, F., Oyanguren, A., & Villanueva-Perez, P. (2014). Cross sections for the reactions e+e- -> K0S K0L, K0S K0L pi+ pi-, K0S K0S pi+ pi-, and K0S K0S K+ K- from events with initial- state radiation. Phys. Rev. D, 89(9), 092002–25pp.
Abstract: We study the processes e+e- -> K0S K0L gamma, K0S K0L pi+ pi- gamma, K0S K0S pi+ pi- gamma, and K0S K0S K+ K- gamma, where the photon is radiated from the initial state, providing cross section measurements for the hadronic states over a continuum of center-of-mass energies. The results are based on 469 fb-1 of data collected with the BABAR detector at SLAC. We observe the phi(1020) resonance in the K0S K0L final state and measure the product of its electronic width and branching fraction with about 3% uncertainty. We present a measurement of the e+e- -> K0S K0L cross section in the energy range from 1.06 to 2.2 GeV and observe the production of a resonance at 1.67 GeV. We present the first measurements of the e+e- -> K0S K0L pi+ pi-, K0S K0S pi+ pi-, and K0S K0S K+ K- cross sections and study the intermediate resonance structures. We obtain the first observations of J/Psi decay to the K0S K0L pi+ pi-, K0S K0S pi+ pi-, and K0S K0S K+ K- final states.
BABAR Collaboration(Lees, J. P. et al), Martinez-Vidal, F., Oyanguren, A., & Villanueva-Perez, P. (2014). Measurements of direct CP asymmetries in B -> X-s gamma decays using sum of exclusive decays. Phys. Rev. D, 90(9), 092001–12pp.
Abstract: We measure the direct CP violation asymmetry, A(CP), in B -> X-s gamma and the isospin difference of the asymmetry, Delta A(CP), using 429 fb(-1) of data collected at Upsilon(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector at the PEP- II asymmetric- energy e(+)e(-) storage rings operating at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. B mesons are reconstructed from ten charged B final states and six neutral B final states. We find A(CP) = +(1.7 +/- 1.9 +/- 1.0)%, which is in agreement with the Standard Model prediction and provides an improvement on the world average. Moreover, we report the first measurement of the difference between A(CP) for charged and neutral decay modes, Delta A(CP) = +(5.0 +/- 3.9 +/- 1.5)%. Using the value of Delta A(CP), we also provide 68% and 90% confidence intervals on the imaginary part of the ratio of theWilson coefficients corresponding to the chromomagnetic dipole and the electromagnetic dipole transitions.