Langer, C., Algora, A., Couture, A., Csatlos, M., Gulyas, J., Heil, M., et al. (2011). Simulations and developments of the Low Energy Neutron detector Array LENA. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 659(1), 411–418.
Abstract: Prototypes of the Low Energy Neutron detector Array (LENA) have been tested and compared with detailed GEANT simulations. LENA will consist of plastic scintillation bars with the dimensions 1000 x 45 x 10 mm(3). The tests have been performed with gamma-ray sources and neutrons originating from the neutron-induced fission of (235)U. The simulations agreed very well with the measured response and were therefore used to simulate the response to mono-energetic neutrons with different detection thresholds. LENA will be used to detect low-energy neutrons from (p,n)-type reactions with low momentum transfer foreseen at the R(3)B and EXL setups at FAIR, Darmstadt.