Bernardoni, F., Blossier, B., Bulava, J., Della Morte, M., Fritzsch, P., Garron, N., et al. (2015). B-meson spectroscopy in HQET at order 1/m. Phys. Rev. D, 92(5), 054509–25pp.
Abstract: We present a study of the B spectrum performed in the framework of heavy quark effective theory expanded to next-to-leading order in 1/m(b) and nonperturbative in the strong coupling. Our analyses have been performed on N-f = 2 lattice gauge field ensembles corresponding to three different lattice spacings and a wide range of pion masses. We obtain the B-s-meson mass and hyperfine splittings of the B-and B-s-mesons that are in good agreement with the experimental values and examine the mass difference m(Bs) – m(B) as a further cross-check of our previous estimate of the b-quark mass. We also report on the mass splitting between the first excited state and the ground state in the B and B-s systems.
Bernardoni, F., Blossier, B., Bulava, J., Della Morte, M., Fritzsch, P., Garron, N., et al. (2014). The b-quark mass from non-perturbative N-f=2 Heavy Quark Effective Theory at O(1/m(h)). Phys. Lett. B, 730, 171–177.
Abstract: We report our final estimate of the b-quark mass from N-f = 2 lattice QCD simulations using Heavy Quark Effective Theory non-perturbatively matched to QCD at O(1/m(h)). Treating systematic and statistical errors in a conservative manner, we obtain (m) over bar ((MS) over bar)(b) (2 GeV) = 4.88(15) GeV after an extrapolation to the physical point.
Bernardoni, F., Blossier, B., Bulava, J., Della Morte, M., Fritzsch, P., Garron, N., et al. (2014). Decay constants of B-mesons from non-perturbative HQET with two light dynamical quarks. Phys. Lett. B, 735, 349–356.
Abstract: We present a computation of B-meson decay constants from lattice QCD simulations within the framework of Heavy Quark Effective Theory for the b-quark. The next-to-leading order corrections in the HQET expansion are included non-perturbatively. Based on N-f = 2 gauge field ensembles, covering three lattice spacings a approximate to (0.08-0.05) fm and pion masses down to 190 MeV, a variational method for extracting hadronic matrix elements is used to keep systematic errors under control. In addition we perform a careful autocorrelation analysis in the extrapolation to the continuum and to the physical pion mass limits. Our final results read f(B) = 186(13) MeV, f(Bs) = 224(14) MeV and f(Bs)/f(B) = 1.203(65). A comparison with other results in the literature does not reveal a dependence on the number of dynamical quarks, and effects from truncating HQET appear to be negligible.
Bernardoni, F., Garron, N., Hernandez, P., Necco, S., & Pena, C. (2011). Probing the chiral regime of N-f=2 QCD with mixed actions. Phys. Rev. D, 83(5), 054503–17pp.
Abstract: We report on our first experiences with a mixed action setup with overlap valence quarks and nonperturbatively O(a) improved Wilson sea quarks. For the latter we employ CLS N-f = 2 configurations with light sea-quark masses at small lattice spacings. Exact chiral symmetry allows to consider very light valence quarks and explore the matching to (partially-quenched) Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) in a mixed epsilon/p-regime. We compute the topological susceptibility and the low-lying spectrum of the massless Neuberger-Dirac operator for three values of the sea-quark mass, and compare the sea-quark mass dependence to NLO ChPT in the mixed regime. This provides two different determinations of the chiral condensate, as well as information about some NLOlow-energy couplings. Our results allow to test the consistency of the mixed-regime approach to ChPT, as well as of the mixed action framework.
Bernardoni, F., Hernandez, P., & Necco, S. (2010). Heavy-light mesons in the epsilon-regime. J. High Energy Phys., 01(1), 070–30pp.
Abstract: We study the finite-size scaling of heavy-light mesons in the static limit. We compute two-point functions of chiral current densities as well as pseudoscalar densities in the epsilon-regime of heavy meson Chiral Perturbation Theory (HMChPT). As expected, finite volume dependence turns out to be significant in this regime and can be predicted in the effective theory in terms of the infinite-volume low-energy couplings. These results might be relevant for extraction of heavy-meson properties from lattice simulations.