AGATA Collaboration(Alexander, T. et al), & Gadea, A. (2015). Isomeric ratios in Hg-206. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 46(3), 601–605.
Abstract: Hg-206 was populated in the fragmentation of an E/A = 1 GeV Pb-208 beam at GSI. It was part of a campaign to study nuclei around Pb-208 via relativistic Coulomb excitation. The observation of the known isomeric states confirmed the identification of the fragmentation products. The isomeric decays were also used to prove that the correlations between beam identification detectors and the AGATA gamma-ray tracking array worked properly and that the tracking efficiency was independent of the time relative to the prompt flash.
AGATA Collaboration(Krzysiek, M. et al), & Gadea, A. (2016). Gamma decay of the possible 1(-) two-phonon state in Ce-140 excited via inelastic scattering of O-17. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 47(3), 859–866.
Abstract: The gamma decay from the low-lying dipole states of Ce-140 excited via inelastic scattering of O-17 at bombarding energy of 340 MeV was measured using the high resolution AGATA-Demonstrator array in coincidence with scattered ions detected in two segmented Delta E-E silicon detectors of the TRACE array. Particular attention is here given to the decay of the first 1(-) state at 3643 keV which is considered to be of two-phonon character. The gamma-gamma coincidence method was applied to select desired decay branch. No direct decay from this state was observed to 2(+) and 3(-) phonon states which would be the proof of the pure harmonic coupling. The comparison between experimentally obtained differential cross sections and analysis with distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) allowed to conclude that the first 1(-) state has a different nature than higher-lying pygmy dipole states. This was possible using the form factor obtained by folding a microscopically calculated transition density.
Bernabeu, J. (2016). Discrete Symmetries CP,T,CPT. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 47(2), 417–424.
Abstract: The role of symmetry breaking mechanisms to search for new physics is of highest importance. We discuss the status and prospects of the discrete symmetries CP, T, CPT looking for their separate violation in LHC experiments and meson factories.
Bottoni, S., Benzoni, G., Leoni, S., Montanari, D., Bracco, A., Vigezzi, E., et al. (2013). Reaction dynamics and gamma spectroscopy of Ne isotoopes by the heavy ion reaction Ne-22+Pb-208. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 44(3), 457–461.
Abstract: The heavy ion reaction Ne-22+Pb-208 at 128 MeV beam energy has been studied using the PRISMA-CLARA experimental setup at Legnaro National Laboratories. Aim of the experiment is the measurement of elastic, inelastic and one nucleon transfer cross sections. The data are presented in parallel with similar results for the unstable Ne-24 nucleus, using existing data from the reaction Ne-24+Pb-208 at 182 MeV (measured at SPIRAL with the VAMOS-EXOGAM setup). A comparison with angular distributions obtained by semiclassical and DWBA predictions for the quadrupole deformation parameter is also discussed. In particular, the DWBA analysis allowed to determine the beta(C)(2) charge deformation parameter both in Ne-22 and Ne-24.
Domingo-Pardo, C. (2016). Beta-delayed neutron emission: first measurements in the heavy mass region and future prospects. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 47(3), 729–737.
Abstract: Beta-delayed neutrons play a key role in the formation of heavy elements in explosive stellar environments. The final r-process abundance distribution, including the rare-earth peak, is tailored to a large extent by the neutrons released after the beta decay of very exotic neutron-rich nuclei encountered along the r-process path and during the freeze-out phase. Such scenarios involve a vast amount of – yet undiscovered – nuclei, and most of them are expected to be neutron emitters. In this respect, existing beta-delayed neutron emission data is rather scarce, spanning from the lightest isotopes up to the region of the fission-fragments with masses up to A similar to 150. This contribution gives an overview on the latest measurements of neutron branching ratios in the heavy mass region around N = 126, which was practically unexplored in the past. Present plans to access very exotic nuclei at the RIB-facility of RIKEN in the framework of the BRIKEN project, are presented, together with the expected impact in r-process nucleosynthesis studies.
Doncel, M. et al, Gadea, A., & Huyuk, T. (2013). Lifetime measurements in neutron-rich Cu isotopes. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 44(3), 505–510.
Abstract: The nuclear structure of neutron-rich nuclei close to the double-magic nucleus Ni-78 has been investigated by measuring the lifetime of excited states. In this contribution, it will be presented the lifetime of the J(pi) = 7/2(-) excited state at 981 keV of the Cu-71 isotope, measured using the AGATA Demonstrator coupled to the PRISMA spectrometer and the Koln plunger setup. This is the first time this combined setup has been used for a lifetime measurement.
Fujita, Y., Rubio, B., Adachi, T., Blank, B., Fujita, H., Gelletly, W., et al. (2015). Gamow-Teller excitations studied by weak and strong interactions. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 46(3), 657–668.
Abstract: Studying weak nuclear responses, especially the Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions starting from stable as well as unstable nuclei, provide crucial and critical information on nuclear structure. Therefore, the study of GT transitions is a key issue in nuclear physics and also nuclear-astrophysics. Under the assumption of isospin symmetry, it is expected that the structure of mirror nuclei and the GT transitions starting from their ground states are identical. We have studied the corresponding GT transitions starting from T-z = +/- 1 and +/- 2 p f -shell nuclei, respectively, by means of hadronic (He-3,t) charge-exchange reactions and mirror beta decays. The results on GT strength distributions measured in beta decays and (He-3,t) reactions performed at an intermediate incident energy of 140 MeV/nucleon and 0 degrees are compared. The combined results help provide an understanding of nuclear structure of nuclei far-from-stability.
Fujita, Y., Rubio, B., Molina, F., Adachi, T., Fujita, H., Blank, B., et al. (2016). The Tz = ±1 → 0 and ±2 →±1 Mirror Gamow–Teller transitions in pf-shell nuclei. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 47(3), 867–881.
Abstract: Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions are the most common weak-interaction processes in the Universe. They play important roles in various processes of nucleosynthesis, for example, in the rapid proton-capture process (rp-process). In the pf-shell region, the rp-process runs through neutron-deficient nuclei with T-z = -2, -1, and 0 mainly by means of GT and Fermi transitions, where T-z is the z component of isospin T defined by T-z = (N = Z)/2. Under the assumption of isospin symmetry, mirror nuclei with reversed Z and N numbers, and thus with opposite signs of T-z, have the same structure. Therefore, symmetry is also expected for the GT transitions starting from and ending up in mirror nuclei. We have been studying the T-z = -2 -> -1 and -1 -> 0 GT transitions in beta decays, while those from stable T-z = +2 and +1 nuclei by means of hadronic (He-3; t) charge-exchange (CE) reactions. The results from these studies are compared in order to examine the mirror-symmetry structure in nuclei. In addition, these results are combined for the better understanding of GT transitions in the pf-shell region.
Gonzalez de la Hoz, S. (2014). Exotics searches with ATLAS and CMS experiments. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 45(7), 1371–1392.
Abstract: In this paper, we present strategies and results of nine searches for exotic physics performed by the ATLAS and CMS experiments with 2012 pp collision data taken at LHC energy root s = 7 TeV and 8 TeV. Among them, there are searches from one object to many objects in the final state covering mono-X, two leptons, two jets, photon+X, microscopic black holes, dibosons, t (t) over bar resonances and vector-like top quark analyses.
Hadynska-Klek, K. et al, & Gadea, A. (2013). Towards the determination of superdeformation in Ca-42. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 44(3), 617–625.
Abstract: The Coulomb excitation experiment to study electromagnetic structure of low-lying states in Ca-42 with a focus on a possible superdeformation in this nucleus was performed at the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro in Italy. Preliminary values of the determined quadrupole deformation parameters for both the ground state band and the presumed superdeformed band are presented.