PT Journal AU Forconi, M Giare, W Mena, O Ruchika Di Valentino, E Melchiorri, A Nunes, RC TI A double take on early and interacting dark energy from JWST SO Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics JI J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. PY 2024 BP 097 EP 37pp VL 05 IS 5 DI 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/05/097 LA English DE high redshift galaxies; dark energy theory; physics of the early universe AB The very first light captured by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) revealed a population of galaxies at very high redshifts more massive than expected in the canonical Lambda CDM model of structure formation. Barring, among others, a systematic origin of the issue, in this paper, we test alternative cosmological perturbation histories. We argue that models with a larger matter component ohm m and/or a larger scalar spectral index n s can substantially improve the fit to JWST measurements. In this regard, phenomenological extensions related to the dark energy sector of the theory are appealing alternatives, with Early Dark Energy emerging as an excellent candidate to explain (at least in part) the unexpected JWST preference for larger stellar mass densities. Conversely, Interacting Dark Energy models, despite producing higher values of matter clustering parameters such as sigma 8 , are generally disfavored by JWST measurements. This is due to the energy -momentum flow from the dark matter to the dark energy sector, implying a smaller matter energy density. Upcoming observations may either strengthen the evidence or falsify some of these appealing phenomenological alternatives to the simplest Lambda CDM picture. ER