%0 Journal Article %T Mitigation of backgrounds from cosmogenic Xe-137 in xenon gas experiments using He-3 neutron capture %A NEXT Collaboration %A Carcel, S. %A Carrion, J. V. %A Felkai, R. %A Kekic, M. %A Lopez-March, N. %A Martin-Albo, J. %A Martinez, A. %A Martinez-Lema, G. %A Muñoz Vidal, J. %A Novella, P. %A Palmeiro, B. %A Querol, M. %A Romo-Luque, C. %A Sorel, M. %A Uson, A. %A Yahlali, N. %J Journal of Physics G %D 2020 %V 47 %N 7 %I Iop Publishing Ltd %@ 0954-3899 %G English %F NEXTCollaboration_etal2020 %O WOS:000537753800001 %O exported from refbase (https://references.ific.uv.es/refbase/show.php?record=4423), last updated on Wed, 18 May 2022 07:43:14 +0000 %X Xe-136 is used as the target medium for many experiments searching for 0 nu beta beta. Despite underground operation, cosmic muons that reach the laboratory can produce spallation neutrons causing activation of detector materials. A potential background that is difficult to veto using muon tagging comes in the form of Xe-137 created by the capture of neutrons on Xe-136. This isotope decays via beta decay with a half-life of 3.8 min and a Q(beta) of similar to 4.16 MeV. This work proposes and explores the concept of adding a small percentage of He-3 to xenon as a means to capture thermal neutrons and reduce the number of activations in the detector volume. When using this technique we find the contamination from Xe-137 activation can be reduced to negligible levels in tonne and multi-tonne scale high pressure gas xenon neutrinoless double beta decay experiments running at any depth in an underground laboratory. %K gaseous detectors %K scintillators %K scintillation and light emission processes %K solid %K gas and liquid scintillators %R 10.1088/1361-6471/ab8915 %U https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.11147 %U https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6471/ab8915 %P 075001-17pp