PT Journal AU Diaz, MA Rojas, N Urrutia-Quiroga, S Valle, JWF TI Heavy Higgs boson production at colliders in the singlet-triplet scotogenic dark matter model SO Journal of High Energy Physics JI J. High Energy Phys. PY 2017 BP 017 EP 23pp VL 08 IS 8 DI 10.1007/JHEP08(2017)017 LA English DE Beyond Standard Model; Higgs Physics; Neutrino Physics AB We consider the possibility that the dark matter particle is a scalar WIMP messenger associated to neutrino mass generation, made stable by the same symmetry responsible for the radiative origin of neutrino mass. We focus on some of the implications of this proposal as realized within the singlet-triplet scotogenic dark matter model. We identify parameter sets consistent both with neutrino mass and the observed dark matter abundance. Finally we characterize the expected phenomenological profile of heavy Higgs boson physics at the LHC as well as at future linear Colliders. ER