@Article{Bertolini_etal2014, author="Bertolini, S. and Maiezza, A. and Nesti, F.", title="Present and future K and B meson mixing constraints on TeV scale left-right symmetry", journal="Physical Review D", year="2014", publisher="Amer Physical Soc", volume="89", number="9", pages="095028--15pp", abstract="We revisit the Delta F = 2 transitions in the K and B-d,B-s neutral meson systems in the context of the minimal left-right symmetric model. We take into account, in addition to up-to-date phenomenological data, the contributions related to the renormalization of the flavor-changing neutral Higgs tree-level amplitude. These contributions were neglected in recent discussions, albeit formally needed in order to obtain a gauge-independent result. Their impact on the minimal LR model is crucial and twofold. First, the effects are relevant in B meson oscillations, for both CP conserving and CP violating observables, so that for the first time these imply constraints on the LR scenario which compete with those of the K sector (plagued by long-distance uncertainties). Second, they sizably contribute to the indirect kaon CP violation parameter epsilon. We discuss the bounds from B and K mesons in both cases of LR symmetry: generalized parity (P) and charge conjugation (C). In the case of P, the interplay between the CP-violation parameters epsilon and epsilon{\textquoteright} leads us to rule out the regime of very hierarchical bidoublet vacuum expectation values nu(2)/nu(1) < m(b)/m(t) similar or equal to 0.02. In general, by minimizing the scalar field contribution up to the limit of the perturbative regime and by definite values of the relevant CP phases in the charged right-handed currents, we find that a right-handed gauge boson W-R as light as 3 TeV is allowed at the 95{\%} C. L. This is well within the reach of direct detection at the next LHC run. If not discovered, within a decade the upgraded LHCb and Super B factories may reach an indirect sensitivity to a left-right scale of 8 TeV.", optnote="WOS:000336759700009", optnote="exported from refbase (https://references.ific.uv.es/refbase/show.php?record=1819), last updated on Fri, 04 Jul 2014 01:01:27 +0000", issn="1550-7998", doi="10.1103/PhysRevD.89.095028", opturl="http://arxiv.org/abs/1403.7112", opturl="https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.89.095028", archivePrefix="arXiv", eprint="1403.7112", language="English" }