Records |
Author  |
ATLAS Collaboration (Aad, G. et al); Alvarez Piqueras, D.; Cabrera Urban, S.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Costa, M.J.; Fernandez Martinez, P.; Ferrer, A.; Fiorini, L.; Fuster, J.; Garcia, C.; Garcia Navarro, J.E.; Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.; Hernandez Jimenez, Y.; Higon-Rodriguez, E.; Irles Quiles, A.; Jimenez Pena, J.; Kaci, M.; King, M.; Lacasta, C.; Lacuesta, V.R.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Mitsou, V.A.; Moles-Valls, R.; Oliver Garcia, E.; Pedraza Lopez, S.; Perez Garcia-Estañ, M.T.; Romero Adam, E.; Ros, E.; Salt, J.; Sanchez Martinez, V.; Soldevila, U.; Sanchez, J.; Torro Pastor, E.; Valero, A.; Valladolid Gallego, E.; Valls Ferrer, J.A.; Vos, M. |
Title |
Search for invisible decays of the Higgs boson produced in association with a hadronically decaying vector boson in pp collisions at, root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2015 |
Publication |
European Physical Journal C |
Abbreviated Journal |
Eur. Phys. J. C |
Volume |
75 |
Issue |
7 |
Pages |
337 - 24pp |
Keywords |
Abstract |
A search for Higgs boson decays to invisible particles is performed using 20,3 of fb(-1) collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV recorded by the ArL As detector at the Large IHIadron Collider. The process considered is Higgs boson production in association with a vector boson (V = W or Z) that decays hadronically, resulting in events with two or more jets and large missing transverse momentum. No excess of candidates is observed in the data over the background expectation. The results are used to constrain V H production followed by H decaying to invisible particles for the Higgs boson mass range 115 < m(H) < 300 GeV. The 95 % confidence-level observed upper limit on sigma vH x BR(H -> inv.) varies from 1.6 pb at 115 GeV to 0.13 ph at 300 GeV. Assuming Standard Model production and including the gg -> H contribution as signal, the results also lead to an observed upper limit of 78 c/c at 95 % confidence level on the branching ratio of Higgs bosons decays to invisible particles at a mass of 125 GeV. |
Address |
[Jackson, P.; Lee, L.; Soni, N.; White, M. J.] Univ Adelaide, Dept Phys, Adelaide, SA, Australia |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Springer |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
1434-6044 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
WOS:000361908400002 |
Approved |
no |
Is ISI |
yes |
International Collaboration |
yes |
Call Number |
IFIC @ pastor @ |
Serial |
2404 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author  |
ATLAS Collaboration (Aad, G. et al); Alvarez Piqueras, D.; Cabrera Urban, S.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Costa, M.J.; Fernandez Martinez, P.; Ferrer, A.; Fiorini, L.; Fuster, J.; Garcia, C.; Garcia Navarro, J.E.; Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.; Hernandez Jimenez, Y.; Higon-Rodriguez, E.; Irles Quiles, A.; Jimenez Pena, J.; Kaci, M.; King, M.; Lacasta, C.; Lacuesta, V.R.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Mitsou, V.A.; Moles-Valls, R.; Oliver Garcia, E.; Pedraza Lopez, S.; Perez Garcia-Estañ, M.T.; Romero Adam, E.; Ros, E.; Salt, J.; Sanchez Martinez, V.; Soldevila, U.; Sanchez, J.; Torro Pastor, E.; Valero, A.; Valladolid Gallego, E.; Valls Ferrer, J.A.; Vos, M. |
Title |
Constraints on the off-shell Higgs boson signal strength in the high-mass ZZ and WW final states with the ATLAS detector |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2015 |
Publication |
European Physical Journal C |
Abbreviated Journal |
Eur. Phys. J. C |
Volume |
75 |
Issue |
7 |
Pages |
335 - 34pp |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Measurements of the ZZ and WW final states in the mass range above the 2m(Z) and 2m(W) thresholds provide a unique opportunity to measure the off-shell coupling strength of the Higgs boson. This paper presents constraints on the off-shell Higgs boson event yields normalised to the Standard Model prediction (signal strength) in the ZZ -> 4l, ZZ -> 2l2 nu and WW -> e nu μnu final states. The result is based on pp collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb(-1) at a collision energy of root s = 8 TeV. Using the CLs method, the observed 95 % confidence level (CL) upper limit on the off-shell signal strength is in the range 5.1-8.6, with an expected range of 6.7-11.0. In each case the range is determined by varying the unknown gg -> ZZ and gg -> WW background K-factor from higher-order quantum chromodynamics corrections between half and twice the value of the known signal K-factor. Assuming the relevant Higgs boson couplings are independent of the energy scale of the Higgs boson production, a combination with the on-shell measurements yields an observed (expected) 95 % CL upper limit on Gamma(H)/Gamma(SM)(H) in the range 4.5-7.5 (6.5-11.2) using the same variations of the background K-factor. Assuming that the unknown gg -> VV background K-factor is equal to the signal K-factor, this translates into an observed (expected) 95 % CL upper limit on the Higgs boson total width of 22.7 (33.0) MeV. |
Address |
[Jackson, P.; Lee, L.; Soni, N.; White, M. J.] Univ Adelaide, Dept Phys, Adelaide, SA, Australia |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Springer |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
1434-6044 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
WOS:000361908300011 |
Approved |
no |
Is ISI |
yes |
International Collaboration |
yes |
Call Number |
IFIC @ pastor @ |
Serial |
2405 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author  |
ATLAS Collaboration (Aad, G. et al); Alvarez Piqueras, D.; Cabrera Urban, S.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Costa, M.J.; Fernandez Martinez, P.; Ferrer, A.; Fiorini, L.; Fuster, J.; Garcia, C.; Garcia Navarro, J.E.; Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.; Hernandez Jimenez, Y.; Higon-Rodriguez, E.; Irles Quiles, A.; Jimenez Pena, J.; Kaci, M.; King, M.; Lacasta, C.; Lacuesta, V.R.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Mitsou, V.A.; Moles-Valls, R.; Oliver Garcia, E.; Pedraza Lopez, S.; Perez Garcia-Estañ, M.T.; Romero Adam, E.; Ros, E.; Salt, J.; Sanchez Martinez, V.; Soldevila, U.; Sanchez, J.; Torro Pastor, E.; Valero, A.; Valladolid Gallego, E.; Valls Ferrer, J.A.; Vos, M. |
Title |
Measurement of the top quark mass in the t(t)over-bar -> lepton plus jets and t(t)over-bar -> dilepton channels using root s=7 TeV ATLAS data |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2015 |
Publication |
European Physical Journal C |
Abbreviated Journal |
Eur. Phys. J. C |
Volume |
75 |
Issue |
7 |
Pages |
330 - 36pp |
Keywords |
Abstract |
The top quark mass was measured in the channels t (t) over bar -> lepton+jets and t (t) over bar -> dilepton (lepton = e, mu) based on ATLAS data recorded in 2011. The data were taken at the LHC with a proton-proton centre-of-mass energy of root s = 7 TeV and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb(-1). The t (t) over bar -> lepton+jets analysis uses a three-dimensional template technique which determines the top quark mass together with a global jet energy scale factor (JSF), and a relative b-to-light-jet energy scale factor (bJSF), where the terms b-jets and light-jets refer to jets originating from b-quarks and u,d,c, s-quarks or gluons, respectively. The analysis of the t (t) over bar -> dilepton channel exploits a one-dimensional template method using the m(lb) observable, defined as the average invariant mass of the two lepton+b-jet pairs in each event. The top quark mass is measured to be 172.33 +/- 0.75(stat + JSF + bJSF) +/- 1.02(syst) GeV, and 173.79 +/- 0.54(stat) +/- 1.30(syst) GeV in the t (t) over bar -> lepton+jets and t (t) over bar -> dilepton channels, respectively. The combination of the two results yields m(top) = 172.99 +/- 0.48(stat) +/- 0.78(syst) GeV, with a total uncertainty of 0.91 GeV. |
Address |
[Jackson, P.; Lee, L.; Soni, N.; White, M. J.] Univ Adelaide, Dept Phys, Adelaide, SA, Australia, Email: |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Springer |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
1434-6044 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
WOS:000361908300006 |
Approved |
no |
Is ISI |
yes |
International Collaboration |
yes |
Call Number |
IFIC @ pastor @ |
Serial |
2406 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author  |
ATLAS Collaboration (Aad, G. et al); Alvarez Piqueras, D.; Cabrera Urban, S.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Costa, M.J.; Fernandez Martinez, P.; Ferrer, A.; Fiorini, L.; Fuster, J.; Garcia, C.; Garcia Navarro, J.E.; Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.; Hernandez Jimenez, Y.; Higon-Rodriguez, E.; Irles Quiles, A.; Jimenez Pena, J.; Kaci, M.; King, M.; Lacasta, C.; Lacuesta, V.R.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Mitsou, V.A.; Oliver Garcia, E.; Pedraza Lopez, S.; Perez Garcia-Estañ, M.T.; Romero Adam, E.; Ros, E.; Salt, J.; Sanchez Martinez, V.; Soldevila, U.; Sanchez, J.; Torro Pastor, E.; Valero, A.; Valladolid Gallego, E.; Valls Ferrer, J.A.; Vos, M. |
Title |
Search for metastable heavy charged particles with large ionisation energy loss in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV using the ATLAS experiment |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2015 |
Publication |
European Physical Journal C |
Abbreviated Journal |
Eur. Phys. J. C |
Volume |
75 |
Issue |
9 |
Pages |
407 - 25pp |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Many extensions of the Standard Model predict the existence of charged heavy long-lived particles, such as R-hadrons or charginos. These particles, if produced at the Large Hadron Collider, should bemoving non-relativistically and are therefore identifiable through the measurement of an anomalously large specific energy loss in the ATLAS pixel detector. Measuring heavy long-lived particles through their track parameters in the vicinity of the interaction vertex provides sensitivity to metastable particles with lifetimes from 0.6 ns to 30 ns. A search for such particles with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider is presented, based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 18.4 fb(-1) of pp collisions at root s = 8 TeV. No significant deviation from the Standard Model background expectation is observed, and lifetime-dependent upper limits on R-hadrons and chargino production are set. Gluino R-hadrons with 10 ns lifetime and masses up to 1185 GeV are excluded at 95 % confidence level, and so are charginos with 15 ns lifetime and masses up to 482 GeV. |
Address |
[Jackson, P.; Lee, L.; Soni, N.; White, M. J.] Univ Adelaide, Dept Phys, Adelaide, SA, Australia |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Springer |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
1434-6044 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
WOS:000363330800007 |
Approved |
no |
Is ISI |
yes |
International Collaboration |
yes |
Call Number |
IFIC @ pastor @ |
Serial |
2426 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author  |
ATLAS Collaboration (Aad, G. et al); Alvarez Piqueras, D.; Cabrera Urban, S.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Costa, M.J.; Fernandez Martinez, P.; Ferrer, A.; Fiorini, L.; Fuster, J.; Garcia, C.; Garcia Navarro, J.E.; Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.; Hernandez Jimenez, Y.; Higon-Rodriguez, E.; Irles Quiles, A.; Jimenez Pena, J.; Kaci, M.; King, M.; Lacasta, C.; Lacuesta, V.R.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Mitsou, V.A.; Moles-Valls, R.; Oliver Garcia, E.; Pedraza Lopez, S.; Perez Garcia-Estañ, M.T.; Romero Adam, E.; Ros, E.; Salt, J.; Sanchez Martinez, V.; Soldevila, U.; Sanchez, J.; Torro Pastor, E.; Valero, A.; Valladolid Gallego, E.; Valls Ferrer, J.A.; Vos, M. |
Title |
Search for a new resonance decaying to a W or Z boson and a Higgs boson in the ll/lv/vv plus b(b)over-bar final states with the ATLAS detectorv |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2015 |
Publication |
European Physical Journal C |
Abbreviated Journal |
Eur. Phys. J. C |
Volume |
75 |
Issue |
6 |
Pages |
263 - 21pp |
Keywords |
Abstract |
A search for a new resonance decaying to a W or Z boson and a Higgs boson in the ll/lv/vv + b (b) over bar final states is performed using 20.3 fb(-1) of pp collision data recorded at root s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The search is conducted by examining the WH/ZH invariant mass distribution for a localized excess. No significant deviation from the Standard Model background prediction is observed. The results are interpreted in terms of constraints on the Minimal Walking Technicolor model and on a simplified approach based on a phenomenological Lagrangian of Heavy Vector Triplets. |
Address |
[Jackson, P.; Lee, L.; Soni, N.; White, M. J.] Univ Adelaide, Dept Phys, Adelaide, SA, Australia |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Springer |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
1434-6044 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
WOS:000366298900002 |
Approved |
no |
Is ISI |
yes |
International Collaboration |
yes |
Call Number |
IFIC @ pastor @ |
Serial |
2489 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author  |
ATLAS Collaboration (Aad, G. et al); Alvarez Piqueras, D.; Cabrera Urban, S.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Costa, M.J.; Fernandez Martinez, P.; Ferrer, A.; Fiorini, L.; Fuster, J.; Garcia, C.; Garcia Navarro, J.E.; Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.; Hernandez Jimenez, Y.; Higon-Rodriguez, E.; Irles Quiles, A.; Jimenez Pena, J.; Kaci, M.; King, M.; Lacasta, C.; Lacuesta, V.R.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Mitsou, V.A.; Moles-Valls, R.; Oliver Garcia, E.; Pedraza Lopez, S.; Perez Garcia-Estañ, M.T.; Romero Adam, E.; Ros, E.; Salt, J.; Sanchez Martinez, V.; Soldevila, U.; Sanchez, J.; Torro Pastor, E.; Valero, A.; Valladolid Gallego, E.; Valls Ferrer, J.A.; Vos, M. |
Title |
Study of the spin and parity of the Higgs boson in diboson decays with the ATLAS detector |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2015 |
Publication |
European Physical Journal C |
Abbreviated Journal |
Eur. Phys. J. C |
Volume |
75 |
Issue |
10 |
Pages |
476 - 36pp |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Studies of the spin, parity and tensor couplings of the Higgs boson in the H -> ZZ* -> 4l, H -> WW* -> e nu μnu and H -> gamma gamma decay processes at the LHC are presented. The investigations are based on 25 fb(-1) of pp collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment at root s = 7 TeV and root s = 8 TeV. The Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson hypothesis, corresponding to the quantum numbers J (P) = 0(+), is tested against several alternative spin scenarios, including non-SM spin-0 and spin-2 models with universal and non-universal couplings to fermions and vector bosons. All tested alternative models are excluded in favour of the SM Higgs boson hypothesis at more than 99.9% confidence level. Using the H -> ZZ* -> 4l and H -> WW* -> e nu μnu. decays, the tensor structure of the interaction between the spin-0 boson and the SM vector bosons is also investigated. The observed distributions of variables sensitive to the non-SM tensor couplings are compatible with the SM predictions and constraints on the non-SM couplings are derived. |
Address |
[Jackson, P.; Lee, L.; Soni, N.; White, M. J.] Univ Adelaide, Dept Phys, Adelaide, SA, Australia |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Springer |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
1434-6044 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
WOS:000366310400001 |
Approved |
no |
Is ISI |
yes |
International Collaboration |
yes |
Call Number |
IFIC @ pastor @ |
Serial |
2496 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author  |
ATLAS Collaboration (Aad, G. et al); Alvarez Piqueras, D.; Cabrera Urban, S.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Costa, M.J.; Fernandez Martinez, P.; Ferrer, A.; Fiorini, L.; Fuster, J.; Garcia, C.; Garcia Navarro, J.E.; Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.; Hernandez Jimenez, Y.; Higon-Rodriguez, E.; Irles Quiles, A.; Jimenez Pena, J.; Kaci, M.; King, M.; Lacasta, C.; Lacuesta, V.R.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Mitsou, V.A.; Moles-Valls, R.; Oliver Garcia, E.; Pedraza Lopez, S.; Perez Garcia-Estañ, M.T.; Romero Adam, E.; Ros, E.; Salt, J.; Sanchez Martinez, V.; Soldevila, U.; Sanchez, J.; Torro Pastor, E.; Valero, A.; Valladolid Gallego, E.; Valls Ferrer, J.A.; Vos, M. |
Title |
Search for Higgs boson pair production in the b(b)over-barb(b)over-bar final state from pp collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2015 |
Publication |
European Physical Journal C |
Abbreviated Journal |
Eur. Phys. J. C |
Volume |
75 |
Issue |
9 |
Pages |
412 - 32pp |
Keywords |
Abstract |
A search for Higgs boson pair production pp -> hh is performed with 19.5 fb(-1) of proton-proton collision data at root s = 8TeV, which were recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2012. The decay products of each Higgs boson are reconstructed as a high-momentum b (b) over bar system with either a pair of small-radius jets or a single large-radius jet, the latter exploiting jet substructure techniques and associated b-tagged track-jets. No evidence for resonant or non-resonant Higgs boson pair production is observed. The data are interpreted in the context of the Randall-Sundrum model with a warped extra dimension as well as the two-Higgs-doublet model. An upper limit on the cross-section for pp -> G(KK)* -> hh -> b (b) over barb (b) over bar of 3.2 (2.3) fb is set for a Kaluza-Klein graviton G(KK)* mass of 1.0 (1.5) TeV, at the 95 % confidence level. The search for non-resonant Standard Model hh production sets an observed 95 % confidence level upper limit on the production cross-section sigma(pp -> hh -> b (b) over barb (b) over bar) of 202 fb, compared to a Standard Model prediction of s(pp -> hh -> b (b) over barb (b) over bar) = 3.6 +/- 0.5fb. |
Address |
[Jackson, P.; Lee, L.; Soni, N.; White, M. J.] Univ Adelaide, Dept Phys, Adelaide, SA, Australia |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Springer |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
1434-6044 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
WOS:000366305400004 |
Approved |
no |
Is ISI |
yes |
International Collaboration |
yes |
Call Number |
IFIC @ pastor @ |
Serial |
2499 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author  |
ATLAS Collaboration (Aad, G. et al); Alvarez Piqueras, D.; Cabrera Urban, S.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Costa, M.J.; Fernandez Martinez, P.; Ferrer, A.; Fiorini, L.; Fuster, J.; Garcia, C.; Garcia Navarro, J.E.; Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.; Hernandez Jimenez, Y.; Higon-Rodriguez, E.; Irles Quiles, A.; Jimenez Pena, J.; Kaci, M.; King, M.; Lacasta, C.; Lacuesta, V.R.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Mitsou, V.A.; Oliver Garcia, E.; Pedraza Lopez, S.; Perez Garcia-Estañ, M.T.; Romero Adam, E.; Ros, E.; Salt, J.; Sanchez Martinez, V.; Soldevila, U.; Sanchez, J.; Torro Pastor, E.; Valero, A.; Valladolid Gallego, E.; Valls Ferrer, J.A.; Vos, M. |
Title |
ATLAS Run 1 searches for direct pair production of third-generation squarks at the Large Hadron Collider |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2015 |
Publication |
European Physical Journal C |
Abbreviated Journal |
Eur. Phys. J. C |
Volume |
75 |
Issue |
10 |
Pages |
510 - 48pp |
Keywords |
Abstract |
This paper reviews and extends searches for the direct pair production of the scalar supersymmetric partners of the top and bottom quarks in proton-proton collisions collected by the ATLAS collaboration during the LHC Run 1. Most of the analyses use 20 fb(-1) of collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of root s = 8 TeV, although in some case an additional 4.7 fb(-1) of collision data at root s = 7 TeV are used. New analyses are introduced to improve the sensitivity to specific regions of the model parameter space. Since no evidence of third-generation squarks is found, exclusion limits are derived by combining several analyses and are presented in both a simplified model framework, assuming simple decay chains, as well as within the context of more elaborate phenomenological supersymmetric models. |
Address |
[Davies, E.; Jackson, P.; Lee, L.; Soni, N.; White, M. J.] Univ Adelaide, Dept Phys, Adelaide, SA, Australia |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Springer |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
1434-6044 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
WOS:000379515400001 |
Approved |
no |
Is ISI |
yes |
International Collaboration |
yes |
Call Number |
IFIC @ pastor @ |
Serial |
2765 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author  |
ATLAS Collaboration (Aad, G. et al); Alvarez Piqueras, D.; Cabrera Urban, S.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Costa, M.J.; Fernandez Martinez, P.; Ferrer, A.; Fiorini, L.; Fuster, J.; Garcia, C.; Garcia Navarro, J.E.; Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.; Hernandez Jimenez, Y.; Higon-Rodriguez, E.; Irles Quiles, A.; Jimenez Pena, J.; Kaci, M.; King, M.; Lacasta, C.; Lacuesta, V.R.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Mitsou, V.A.; Moles-Valls, R.; Oliver Garcia, E.; Pedraza Lopez, S.; Perez Garcia-Estañ, M.T.; Romero Adam, E.; Ros, E.; Salt, J.; Sanchez Martinez, V.; Soldevila, U.; Sanchez, J.; Torro Pastor, E.; Valero, A.; Valladolid Gallego, E.; Valls Ferrer, J.A.; Vos, M. |
Title |
Search for production of vector-like quark pairs and of four top quarks in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collisions at root 8=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2015 |
Publication |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Abbreviated Journal |
J. High Energy Phys. |
Volume |
08 |
Issue |
8 |
Pages |
105 - 86pp |
Keywords |
Hadron-Hadron Scattering |
Abstract |
A search for pair production of vector-like quarks, both up-type (T) and down-type (B), as well as for four-top-quark production, is presented. The search is based on pp collisions at TeV recorded in 2012 with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb(-1). Data are analysed in the lepton-plus-jets final state, characterised by an isolated electron or muon with high transverse momentum, large missing transverse momentum and multiple jets. Dedicated analyses are performed targeting three cases: a T quark with significant branching ratio to a W boson and a b-quark , and both a T quark and a B quark with significant branching ratio to a Higgs boson and a third-generation quark ( respectively). No significant excess of events above the Standard Model expectation is observed, and 95% CL lower limits are derived on the masses of the vector-like T and B quarks under several branching ratio hypotheses assuming contributions from T -> Wb, Zt, Ht and B -> Wt, Zb, Hb decays. The 95% CL observed lower limits on the T quark mass range between 715 GeV and 950 GeV for all possible values of the branching ratios into the three decay modes, and are the most stringent constraints to date. Additionally, the most restrictive upper bounds on four-top-quark production are set in a number of new physics scenarios. |
Address |
[Jackson, P.; Lee, L.; Soni, N.; White, M. J.] Univ Adelaide, Dept Phys, Adelaide, SA, Australia |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Springer |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
1029-8479 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
WOS:000360408100001 |
Approved |
no |
Is ISI |
yes |
International Collaboration |
yes |
Call Number |
IFIC @ pastor @ |
Serial |
2378 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author  |
ATLAS Collaboration (Aad, G. et al); Alvarez Piqueras, D.; Cabrera Urban, S.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Costa, M.J.; Fernandez Martinez, P.; Ferrer, A.; Fiorini, L.; Fuster, J.; Garcia, C.; Garcia Navarro, J.E.; Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.; Hernandez Jimenez, Y.; Higon-Rodriguez, E.; Irles Quiles, A.; Jimenez Pena, J.; Kaci, M.; King, M.; Lacasta, C.; Lacuesta, V.R.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Mitsou, V.A.; Moles-Valls, R.; Oliver Garcia, E.; Pedraza Lopez, S.; Perez Garcia-Estañ, M.T.; Romero Adam, E.; Ros, E.; Salt, J.; Sanchez Martinez, V.; Soldevila, U.; Sanchez, J.; Torro Pastor, E.; Valero, A.; Valladolid Gallego, E.; Valls Ferrer, J.A.; Vos, M. |
Title |
Search for heavy lepton resonances decaying to a Z boson and a lepton in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2015 |
Publication |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Abbreviated Journal |
J. High Energy Phys. |
Volume |
09 |
Issue |
9 |
Pages |
108 - 38pp |
Keywords |
Hadron-Hadron Scattering |
Abstract |
A search for heavy leptons decaying to a Z boson and an electron or a muon is presented. The search is based on pp collision data taken at root s = 8TeV by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb(-1). Three high-transverse-momentum electrons or muons are selected, with two of them required to be consistent with originating from a Z boson decay. No significant excess above Standard Model background predictions is observed, and 95% confidence level limits on the production cross section of high-mass trilepton resonances are derived. The results are interpreted in the context of vector-like lepton and type-III seesaw models. For the vector-like lepton model, most heavy lepton mass values in the range 114-176 GeV are excluded. For the type-III seesaw model, most mass values in the range 100-468 GeV are excluded. |
Address |
[Jackson, P.; Lee, L.; Soni, N.; White, M. J.] Univ Adelaide, Dept Phys, Adelaide, SA, Australia |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Springer |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
1029-8479 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
WOS:000363539700001 |
Approved |
no |
Is ISI |
yes |
International Collaboration |
yes |
Call Number |
IFIC @ pastor @ |
Serial |
2436 |
Permanent link to this record |