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Author (up) Di Valentino, E.; Melchiorri, A.; Mena, O.; Vagnozzi, S.
Title Interacting dark energy in the early 2020s: A promising solution to the H-0 and cosmic shear tensions Type Journal Article
Year 2020 Publication Physics of the Dark Universe Abbreviated Journal Phys. Dark Universe
Volume 30 Issue Pages 100666 - 12pp
Keywords Hubble tension; Cosmological parameters; Dark matter; Dark energy; Interacting dark energy
Abstract We examine interactions between dark matter and dark energy in light of the latest cosmological observations, focusing on a specific model with coupling proportional to the dark energy density. Our data includes Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) measurements from the Planck 2018 legacy data release, late-time measurements of the expansion history from Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) and Supernovae Type Ia (SNeIa), galaxy clustering and cosmic shear measurements from the Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results, and the 2019 local distance ladder measurement of the Hubble constant H-0 from the Hubble Space Telescope. Considering Planck data both in combination with BAO or SNeIa data reduces the H-0 tension to a level which could possibly be compatible with a statistical fluctuation. The very same model also significantly reduces the Omega(m) – sigma(8) tension between CMB and cosmic shear measurements. Interactions between the dark sectors of our Universe remain therefore a promising joint solution to these persisting cosmological tensions.
Address [Di Valentino, Eleonora] Univ Manchester, Jodrell Bank, Ctr Astrophys, Manchester M13 9PL, Lancs, England, Email: eleonora.divalentino@manchester.ac.uk;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Elsevier Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 2212-6864 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000595300400037 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 4646
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Author (up) Diaz-Morcillo, A.; Barcelo, J.M.G.; Guerrero, A.J.L.; Navarro, P.; Gimeno, B.; Cuneáis, S.A.; Melcon, A.A.; Cogollos, C.; Calatroni, S.; Dobrich, B.; Gallego-Puyol, J.D.; Golm, J.; Irastorza, I.G.; Malbrunot, C.; Miralda-Escude, J.; Garay, C.P.; Redondo, J.; Wuensch, W.
Title Design of New Resonant Haloscopes in the Search for the Dark Matter Axion: A Review of the First Steps in the RADES Collaboration Type Journal Article
Year 2022 Publication Universe Abbreviated Journal Universe
Volume 8 Issue 1 Pages 5 - 22pp
Keywords axions; dark matter detectors; haloscopes; resonant cavities
Abstract With the increasing interest in dark matter axion detection through haloscopes, in which different international groups are currently involved, the RADES group was established in 2016 with the goal of developing very sensitive detection systems to be operated in dipole magnets. This review deals with the work developed by this collaboration during its first five years: from the first designs-based on the multi-cavity concept, aiming to increase the haloscope volume, and thereby improve sensitivity-to their evolution, data acquisition design, and finally, the first experimental run. Moreover, the envisaged work within RADES for both dipole and solenoid magnets in the short and medium term is also presented.
Address [Diaz-Morcillo, Alejandro; Garcia Barcelo, Jose Maria; Lozano Guerrero, Antonio Jose; Navarro, Pablo; Alvarez Melcon, Alejandro] Univ Politecn Cartagena, Dept Informat & Commun Technol, Cartagena 30202, Spain, Email: alejandro.diaz@upct.es;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Mdpi Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000746970600001 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 5086
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Author (up) Gariazzo, S.; Mena, O.; Ramirez, H.; Boubekeur, L.
Title Primordial power spectrum features in phenomenological descriptions of inflation Type Journal Article
Year 2017 Publication Physics of the Dark Universe Abbreviated Journal Phys. Dark Universe
Volume 17 Issue Pages 38-45
Keywords Inflation; Primordial power spectrum; Sound speed
Abstract We extend an alternative, phenomenological approach to inflation by means of an equation of state and a sound speed, both of them functions of the number of e-folds and four phenomenological parameters. This approach captures a number of possible inflationary models, including those with non-canonical kinetic terms or scale-dependent non-gaussianities. We perform Markov Chain Monte Carlo analyses using the latest cosmological publicly available measurements, which include Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data from the Planck satellite. Within this parameterization, we discard scale invariance with a significance of about 10 sigma, and the running of the spectral index is constrained as alpha(s) = -0.60(-0.10)(+0.08) x 10(-3) (68% CL errors). The limit on the tensor-to-scalar ratio is r < 0.005 at 95% CL from CMB data alone. We find no significant evidence for this alternative parameterization with present cosmological observations. The maximum amplitude of the equilateral non-gaussianity that we obtain, vertical bar f(NL)(equil)vertical bar < 1, is much smaller than the current Planck mission errors, strengthening the case for future high-redshift, all-sky surveys, which could reach the required accuracy on equilateral non-gaussianities.
Address [Gariazzo, Stefano] Univ Turin, Dept Phys, Via P Giuria 1, I-10125 Turin, Italy, Email: omena@ific.uv.es
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Elsevier Science Bv Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 2212-6864 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000411869100006 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 3319
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Author (up) Gariazzo, S.; Mena, O.; Schwetz, T.
Title Quantifying the tension between cosmological and terrestrial constraints on neutrino masses Type Journal Article
Year 2023 Publication Physics of the Dark Universe Abbreviated Journal Phys. Dark Universe
Volume 40 Issue Pages 101226 - 8pp
Keywords Neutrino masses; Neutrino mass ordering; Neutrino oscillations; Cosmological measurements of neutrino; masses
Abstract The sensitivity of cosmology to the total neutrino mass scale E m & nu; is approaching the minimal values required by oscillation data. We study quantitatively possible tensions between current and forecasted cosmological and terrestrial neutrino mass limits by applying suitable statistical tests such as Bayesian suspiciousness, parameter goodness-of-fit tests, or a parameter difference test. In particular, the tension will depend on whether the normal or the inverted neutrino mass ordering is assumed. We argue, that it makes sense to reject inverted ordering from the cosmology/oscillation comparison only if data are consistent with normal ordering. Our results indicate that, in order to reject inverted ordering with this argument, an accuracy on the sum of neutrino masses & sigma;(m & nu;) of better than 0.02 eV would be required from future cosmological observations.
Address [Gariazzo, Stefano] Ist Nazl Fis Nucl INFN, Sez Torino, Via P Giuria 1, I-10125 Turin, Italy, Email: gariazzo@to.infn.it
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Elsevier Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:001042929800001 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 5623
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Author (up) Gerbino, M. et al; Martinez-Mirave, P.; Mena, O.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W. .
Title Synergy between cosmological and laboratory searches in neutrino physics Type Journal Article
Year 2023 Publication Physics of the Dark Universe Abbreviated Journal Phys. Dark Universe
Volume 42 Issue Pages 101333 - 36pp
Keywords Neutrinos; Cosmology; Neutrino phenomenology
Abstract The intersection of the cosmic and neutrino frontiers is a rich field where much discovery space still remains. Neutrinos play a pivotal role in the hot big bang cosmology, influencing the dynamics of the universe over numerous decades in cosmological history. Recent studies have made tremendous progress in understanding some properties of cosmological neutrinos, primarily their energy density. Upcoming cosmological probes will measure the energy density of relativistic particles with higher precision, but could also start probing other properties of the neutrino spectra. When convolved with results from terrestrial experiments, cosmology can become even more acute at probing new physics related to neutrinos or even Beyond the Standard Model (BSM). Any discordance between laboratory and cosmological data sets may reveal new BSM physics and/or suggest alternative models of cosmology. We give examples of the intersection between terrestrial and cosmological probes in the neutrino sector, and briefly discuss the possibilities of what different laboratory experiments may see in conjunction with cosmological observatories.
Address [Gerbino, Martina; Lattanzi, Massimiliano; Brinckmann, Thejs] INFN, Sez Ferrara, I-44122 Ferrara, Italy, Email: gerbinom@fe.infn.it;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Elsevier Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:001112368600001 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 5854
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Author (up) Ghedini, P.; Hajjar, R.; Mena, O.
Title Redshift-space distortions corner interacting dark energy Type Journal Article
Year 2024 Publication Physics of the Dark Universe Abbreviated Journal Phys. Dark Universe
Volume 46 Issue Pages 101671 - 10pp
Keywords Dark energy; Dark matter; Dark sector interactions; Dark energy properties
Abstract Despite the fact that the Lambda CDM model has been highly successful over the last few decades in providing an accurate fit to a broad range of cosmological and astrophysical observations, different intriguing tensions and anomalies emerged at various statistical levels. Given the fact that the dark energy and the dark matter sectors remain unexplored, the answer to some of the tensions may rely on modifications of these two dark sectors. This manuscript explores the important role of the growth of structure in constraining non-standard cosmologies. In particular, we focus on the interacting dark energy (IDE) scenario, where dark matter and dark energy interact non-gravitationally. We aim to place constraints on the phenomenological parameters of these alternative models, by considering different datasets related to a number of cosmological measurements, to achieve a complementary analysis. A special emphasis is devoted to redshift-space distortion measurements (RSD), whose role in constraining beyond the standard paradigm models has not been recently highlighted. These observations indeed have a strong constraining power, rendering all parameters to their Lambda CDM canonical values, and therefore leaving little room for the IDE models explored here.
Address [Ghedini, Pietro] Univ Bologna, Dipartimento Fis & Astron, Via Irnerio 46, I-40126 Bologna, Italy, Email: pietro.ghedini3@studio.unibo.it;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Elsevier Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:001333958300001 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 6298
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Author (up) Heidari, N.; Hassanabadi, H.; Araujo Filho, A.A.; Kriz, J.; Zare, S.; Porfirio, P.J.
Title Gravitational signatures of a non-commutative stable black hole Type Journal Article
Year 2024 Publication Physics of the Dark Universe Abbreviated Journal Phys. Dark Universe
Volume 43 Issue Pages 101382 - 13pp
Keywords Non-commutativity; Black hole; Shadows; Geodesics
Abstract This work investigates several key aspects of a non-commutative theory with mass deformation. We calculate thermodynamic properties of the system and compare our results with recent literature. We examine the quasinormal modes of massless scalar perturbations using two approaches: the WKB approximation and the Poschl-Teller fitting method. Our results indicate that stronger non-commutative parameters lead to slower damping oscillations of gravitational waves and higher partial absorption cross sections. Furthermore, we study the geodesics of massless and massive particles, highlighting that the non-commutative parameter (R) significantly impacts the paths of light and event horizons. Also, we calculate the shadows, which show that larger values of (R) correspond to larger shadow radii, and provide some constraints on (R) applying the observation of Sgr A* from the Event Horizon Telescope. Finally, we explore the deflection angle in this context.
Address [Heidari, N.; Hassanabadi, H.] Shahrood Univ Technol, Fac Phys, Shahrood, Iran, Email: heidari.n@gmail.com;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Elsevier Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:001126934800001 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 5857
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Author (up) Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Ardid, M.; Bou Cabo, M.; Calvo, D.; Diaz, A.F.; Gozzini, S.R.; Martinez-Mora, J.A.; Navas, S.; Real, D.; Salesa Greus, F.; Sanchez Losa, A.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuñiga, J.
Title Science with Neutrino Telescopes in Spain Type Journal Article
Year 2022 Publication Universe Abbreviated Journal Universe
Volume 8 Issue 2 Pages 89 - 25pp
Keywords neutrino; neutrino telescopes; neutrino astrophysics; neutrino properties; sea science
Abstract The primary scientific goal of neutrino telescopes is the detection and study of cosmic neutrino signals. However, the range of physics topics that these instruments can tackle is exceedingly wide and diverse. Neutrinos coming from outside the Earth, in association with other messengers, can contribute to clarify the question of the mechanisms that power the astrophysical accelerators which are known to exist from the observation of high-energy cosmic and gamma rays. Cosmic neutrinos can also be used to bring relevant information about the nature of dark matter, to study the intrinsic properties of neutrinos and to look for physics beyond the Standard Model. Likewise, atmospheric neutrinos can be used to study an ample variety of particle physics issues, such as neutrino oscillation phenomena, the determination of the neutrino mass ordering, non-standard neutrino interactions, neutrino decays and a diversity of other physics topics. In this article, we review a selected number of these topics, chosen on the basis of their scientific relevance and the involvement in their study of the Spanish physics community working in the KM3NeT and ANTARES neutrino telescopes.
Address [Hernandez-Rey, Juan Jose; Calvo, David; Gozzini, Sara Rebecca; Real, Diego; Greus, Francisco Salesa; Losa, Agustin Sanchez; Zornoza, Juan de Dios; Zuniga, Juan] Univ Valencia, IFIC Inst Fis Corpuscular, C Catedratico Jose Beltran 2, Paterna 46980, Spain, Email: juan.j.hernandez@ific.uv.es;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Mdpi Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000762321400001 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration no
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 5145
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Author (up) Maluf, R.V.; Mora-Perez, G.; Olmo, G.J.; Rubiera-Garcia, D.
Title Nonsingular, Lump-like, Scalar Compact Objects in (2+1)-Dimensional Einstein Gravity Type Journal Article
Year 2024 Publication Universe Abbreviated Journal Universe
Volume 10 Issue 6 Pages 258 - 13pp
Keywords Einstein gravity; compact objects; nonlinear scalar field
Abstract We study the space-time geometry generated by coupling a free scalar field with a noncanonical kinetic term to general relativity in (2+1) dimensions. After identifying a family of scalar Lagrangians that yield exact analytical solutions in static and circularly symmetric scenarios, we classify the various types of solutions and focus on a branch that yields asymptotically flat geometries. We show that the solutions within such a branch can be divided in two types, namely naked singularities and nonsingular objects without a center. In the latter, the energy density is localized around a maximum and vanishes only at infinity and at an inner boundary. This boundary has vanishing curvatures and cannot be reached by any time-like or null geodesic in finite affine time. This allows us to consistently interpret such solutions as nonsingular, lump-like, static compact scalar objects whose eventual extension to the (3+1)-dimensional context could provide structures of astrophysical interest.
Address [Maluf, Roberto V.; Olmo, Gonzalo J.] Univ Fed Ceara UFC, Dept Fis, Campus Pici, BR-60455760 Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, Email: r.v.maluf@fisica.ufc.br;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Mdpi Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:001256495600001 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 6169
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Author (up) Massimi, C.; Cristallo, S.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Lederer-Woods, C.
Title n_TOF: Measurements of Key Reactions of Interest to AGB Stars Type Journal Article
Year 2022 Publication Universe Abbreviated Journal Universe
Volume 8 Issue 2 Pages 100 - 19pp
Keywords s process; MACS; time of flight
Abstract In the last 20 years, the neutron time-of-flight facility nTOF at CERN has been providing relevant data for the astrophysical slow neutron capture process (s process). At nTOF, neutron-induced radiative capture (n,gamma) as well as (n,p) and (n,alpha) reaction cross sections are measured as a function of energy, using the time-of-flight method. Improved detection systems, innovative ideas and collaborations with other neutron facilities have lead to a considerable contribution of the n_TOF collaboration to studying the s process in asymptotic giant branch stars. Results have been reported for stable and radioactive samples, i.e.,Mg- 24,Mg-25,Mg-26, Al-26, S-33,Fe- 54,Fe-57, Ni-58,Ni-59,Ni-62,Ni-63, Ge-70,Ge-72,Ge-73, Zr-90,Zr-91,Zr-92,Zr-93,Zr-94,Zr-96, La-139, Ce-140, Pm-147, Sm-151,Gd- 154,Gd-155,Gd-157, Tm-171, Os-186,Os-187,Os-188, Au-197, Tl-203,Tl-204,Pb- 204,Pb-206,Pb-207 and Bi-209 isotopes, while others are being studied or planned to be studied in the near future. In this contribution, we present an overview of the most successful achievements, and an outlook of future challenging measurements, including ongoing detection system developments.
Address [Massimi, Cristian] Univ Bologna, Dept Phys & Astron, I-40127 Bologna, Italy, Email: cristian.massimi@unibo.it;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Mdpi Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000762514400001 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 5144
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